A good answer might be:

The embedded control program for the dental appliance is given below.

Machine Language Program

There are at least two sensible programs for the toothbrush. Here is one program:

AddressMachine InstructionMeaning
0 0000 0001 Rotate bristles left
1 0000 0010 Rotate bristles right
2 0000 1000 Skip next instruction if switch is off
3 0000 0100 Go back to start of program
4 0000 0000 Stop running

In the electronic memory of the toothbrush the program is stored as a sequence of bits:

0000 0001 0000 0010 0000 1000 0000 0100 0000 0000 

The processor starts at the beginning and performs the action described by each code. This is, of course, a stupid example. Electric toothbrushes are not controlled by computer processors. And, the machine instructions of actual processors are much more detailed. But the essential ideas of the example are these:

If toothbrush user leaves the switch "on" for a while, the program repeats its operations many times. This is how most programs in real computers run--many little operations add up to a useful function, which is then repeated many times.


Will the electric toothbruch stop immediately when the switch is turned off? (Follow through the program to see if this happens.)